Achieving an A Grade with Traefik

In my previous post, I detailed moving your Traefik configuration to a slightly more permanent format (YAML… I know, just go with it). You might have then been tempted to go to SSL Labs and do an SSL Test. What you would have discovered, in that tragic scenario, is a mere B grade! “Why, oh why?” I hear you cry, “I did everything right!” Well, technically you did, so don’t feel too bad....

May 24, 2021 · 5 min · Josh J

Learning to Love YAML - Converting Your Traefik Setup From Cmdline into YAML

In this post, I shared my Traefik configuration. Back then, I’d just learned about Traefik and followed a few posts to set things up and get them working with all of my containers. Since then, I’ve used Traefik for every new container I’ve set up, I’ve run servers like Minecraft and 7 Days to Die through it, as well as numerous different DevOps-adjacent containers. So whilst I’m no means an expert, I’m definitely a little more adept at some of its configuration nuances (I’ll be publishing something next week about how to globally disable TLS 1....

May 17, 2021 · 4 min · Josh J

Set Up Traefik on Docker - A Modern Reverse Proxy Solution

For many years, I used NGINX as a reverse proxy. It’s pretty bulletproof as long as you have your configuration set up properly from the get-go. There’s even a number of ways to automatially create new SSL certs for new containers but this mostly has to be done in a separate container itself. This makes the process of upgrading, testing, rolling back, patching and whatnot a bit of a mither. Enter Traefik....

June 1, 2020 · 6 min · Josh J

Docker Routing - Incorrect IP Address Detected by Traefik

The Problem Let’s say you have a container, say for example that it’s a container you rely on to store and sync a lot of your data. Say that one day, you notice that all of your devices stop syncing and throw time out errors. Say that you’re quite frustrated with this because to a certain extent, this container stack was supposed to be set and forget. Say that you go to the web GUI and you see this:...

May 5, 2020 · 3 min · Josh J